The role of motivation in fostering public service motivation message to overcome the issue of employment. Leadership motivation in an organization planning structure. The impact of reward and recognition programs on employee’s performance based on their annual progress reports. Motivation techniques for different organization management Job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is one of the most researched variables in the area of workplace psychology, and has been associated with numerous psychosocial issues ranging from leadership to job blogger.com article seeks to outline the key definitions relating to job satisfaction, the main theories associated with explaining job satisfaction, as well as the types of and issues This conceptual paper tries to examine the basic concepts employee relation and its effects on employee performance through investigating a number of employee relationship management components such as communication, participative leadership, shared goals and value, mutual trust, motivation and conflict management
List of Ideas for motivation research topics and Proposal on Motivation
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Download Free PDF. A Literature Review on the Effects of Employee Relation on Improving Employee Performance.
in Phd thesis on employee motivation Download Download PDF Full PDF Package Download Full PDF Package This Paper. A short summary of this paper. International Journal in Management and Social Science Volume 6 Issue 04, April ISSN: Impact Factor: 6. in, Email: irjmss gmail. com Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal A Literature Review on the Effects of Employee Relation on Improving Employee Performance a Hagos Brhane PhD scholar and b Shimels Zewdie PhD a Collage of Business and Economics, Department of Management, Jimma University, b Associate Professor, Collage of Business and Economics, Jimma University, Abstract It is apparent that employees are the major valuable assets of an organization in which without them, hard to realize its basic objectives.
To harvest more from employees it requires creating conducive working environment which satisfies the needs of individual employee as well as the manager of an organization. This conceptual paper tries to examine the basic concepts employee relation and its effects on employee performance through investigating a number of employee relationship management components such as communication, participative leadership, shared goals and value, mutual trust, motivation and conflict management.
Phd thesis on employee motivation, the relationship between employee relations and employee performance is explored in-depth. The study also discusses on employee performance which comprises of the basic concept and measurements of performance.
From a comprehensive review of literature on earlier studies, it was found that the preceding researches didn't make thorough endeavor to address the effects employee relation on employee performance. Finally, it was suggested that future researchers should investigate profoundly to come up with notable empirical results.
Key words: Effects, Employee Relation, Improving, Employee Performance 1. For this to happen, employees should work together and share good relationship with their employers. Hence, employee relationship management plays a crucial role for the achievement of organizational goals. Taking this fact in to consideration, it is necessary to have strong relationship between employees and managers as well as employees with the organization as it leads to productivity, motivation and high performance.
Currently business organizations are operating their business in a dynamic and turbulent environment which demands highly skilled and flexible manpower that can offer better quality services enjoy high level phd thesis on employee motivation customer retention.
To do this, companies should have retained good rate of employee retention, phd thesis on employee motivation. Retention of employees refers to satisfied employees that results loyal customers. com Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Phd thesis on employee motivation Open Access International Journal corporate services or corporate products requires. Employee retention is not an easy task rather it requires strong employee relation management system in order to exploit the skills of employees which ultimately lead to better organizational performance.
Performance of employee depends upon job satisfaction, compensation and benefits structure, reward plans, promotions, motivation, conducive working environment, training and succession planning. Along with this, modern tools, techniques and sophisticated technology used by organizations for employee relations create competitive advantage over competitors.
Performance management of employee is a complex and integrated process of setting up a common employees understanding about targets to be achieved in an organization and aligning the corporate objectives with the measures like skills, competencies required for a job, employee development plans and the ultimate results delivered by them. Research Methodology The study is an integrative qualitative literature review on the concept of employee relation and its effect on employee performance.
As it is an academic in nature, phd thesis on employee motivation, the review literature was focused on scholarly works which comprised of publications from reputable journals, books and conference proceedings. For this purpose related literature and previous studies pertaining to the basic concepts of employee relations and its drivers have been considered.
Besides, it also incorporates the most relevant and recent evidences from various studies that have been reviewed and presented in descriptive manner. This was done to synthesize current thinking and evidences on the issue under review. Discussion 3. It focuses on the right and responsibility, management and obeying caused by the interest between the organization and the employees as a total of cooperating, conflict, strengthen and power relations and is influenced by economic, technology, legal system and socio cultural background in a certain community Yongia, phd thesis on employee motivation, Employee relation is defined as the relationship between employees and managers to enhance moral, commitment and trust of employees and to create suitable working environment which enables them to exert their at most effort for the achievement of organizational goals Bajaj et al.
An effective employee relation involves creating and cultivating a motivated and productive workforce. Creating health employee relation in an organization is a prerequisite for the achievement of organizational goals. com Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal and create an opportunity for free flow of information in the organization and resolve conflicts or disagreements when they arise in the work place, phd thesis on employee motivation.
This scenario makes employees to develop a sense of ownership in the organization and this in return initiated them to work hard. Health employee relation leads to more efficient, effective and productive employees which further lead to the increment of production level in the organization, phd thesis on employee motivation.
Studies confirmed that companies which create conducive environment for work and create smooth relationship with employees are more productive that leads to get more financial outcomes Gills, In contrast to this, a study conducted by Byton revealed that employees didn't contribute all what they have when they are not happy with the management, government or even with their workmates.
The poor employee relationship results labor strike and uprising which directs to deterioration of the productivity of the organization.
Employee Relationship Management The need to manage the relationships that exists between the employers and employees has been at the forefront ever since the beginning of industrial revolution. Employee relationship management is relatively a recent term defined as a strategy to effectively manage employees in a way they can attain organizational objectives Gren and Anderson, Employee relationship management includes various activities on which an organization implemented by the management so as to develop friendly cooperative relationship with its employees.
It helps to create cohesive work environment in which all employees work together in collaboration to ensure the realization of its goals. Besides, it promotes commitment, facilitates employees in achievement of organizational objectives minimizes workplace conflict and increases trust Bajaj et al.
Employees can contribute more when the managers of the organization understands the demands of each employee and tries to fulfill their needs as kind of concern which initiates them to dedicate for the realization of organizational goals. Whereas, when employees engage in conflict and misunderstanding with the management, no objective can be accomplished.
So, to foster employees moral and to get more managers should build health employee relation to mitigate productivity gaps. com Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal 4. It plays a pivotal role in strengthening employee relationship since it service as a key to open the door of interaction in the organization.
In an organization communication helps to foster the relation and create harmony as it builds trust among employees of different departments in the organization Chinomon and sandata, A study carried out by Abduwarda revealed that there is significant relationship between communication and employee performance. On the top of this, study conducted by Kumar and Manjula, shows that transparency in communication is crucial for healthy employee- employer relationship as it initiates group activities in the work place, it helps employee to develop friendly approach with his or her colleagues.
In line with this, the study carried out by Sequeira and Shriti, confirm that well informed employees are much higher in performance than those of ill-informed employees. Furthermore, research carried out by Hasen and Salman asserted that there is a positive and significant influence of phd thesis on employee motivation communication on employee performance as effective communication is an essential tactic that has been performed which can extract the ultimate of the employee to help both organization and the employees to achieve their ultimate goal.
Participative Leadership Leadership is key factor that has major influence on the performance of the organization. According to House and Mitch the participative leadership possesses the consultative behavior such as consulting employees prior to making ultimate decision although they retain final decision authority.
This is crucial for achieving high employee performance which leads to high employee commitment as followers feel appreciated and valued. Leadership is defined as the ways in which leaders guide their followers in the direction that enable them to achieve organizational goals through motivating, participate in decision making, offering continuous training.
Participative leadership collects suggestions and recommendations from subordinates for making the final decision which enables him to make sound decision since subordinates are capable in bringing out innovative ideas Chaudhry, This helps to strengthen the relation between the leaders and subordinates and as well develops the sense of ownership in the organization because their participation makes them to feel at ease and thereby enhance their performance.
com Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal convince their subordinates to achieve more. Furthermore, Sequeira and Dhriti, in their study show that when management of the organization creates equal opportunity and offers equal treatment to employees without biases which promotes positive attitude towards the organization and constructive feedback and guidance make employees to realize what the organization expect of them as they feel they attain mutual benefit.
Concomitant to this, participative leadership style is most useful in long term and has a positive effect on employees performance Anwar phd thesis on employee motivation al. Shared Goals and Values The concept of shared goal indicates the communality among the employees and management of the organizations towards the central phd thesis on employee motivation which is expected to be realized by the organization Kontabutra and Avery, This coherence helps to understand how work is related across all units of the organization as phd thesis on employee motivation as aligning the work of employees with the strategic direction of the organization Pulakos and O'Leary, phd thesis on employee motivation, Sharing common goal enables employees to direct all their efforts to the accomplishment of that particular goal of the organization.
However, this can be realized when there is interdependence and collaboration among the employees. Shared goals direct employees to improve productivity.
Many scholars agreed that the establishment of clearly achievable and mutually agreed goals that relates towards the vision of the organization motivates employees for its accomplishment Nelson, ; sax, This encourages team phd thesis on employee motivation to share the sense of common purpose and increases their awareness of the intended goals Dina, ; Holmes, On the top of this Richards and et al.
Mutual Trust Trust is a critical variable which influence the performance, effectiveness and efficiency of the organization Driks and Ferrin, Trust may grow, decline or remerge over the cause of relationship. As the relationship increases, people have more opportunities to observe and learn about each other and the judgment over the given action can be concluded as either trustworthy or untrustworthy Huang and Guo, It also cultivates a positive work environment which consecutively and promote employee job performance in the organization.
Majority of the researchers visualize trust is consisting of two elements; integrity and reliability. In employee-employer relationship trust is the level of reliance one can place up on the information receive from another person and confidence in the relationship partner Phd thesis on employee motivation, When employees fail to trust their managers, phd thesis on employee motivation, the flow of upward communication will be compromised; likewise, when managers distrust their employees who work phd thesis on employee motivation them, the downward flow of information will be negatively affected Daniel, Motivation Motivation is defined as all internal and external driving forces that make the individual to perform an activity, what determines the limits and forms of activity and which gives activities oriented towards achieving certain objectives Duica, Motivation is a critical factor for the success of the organization as it helps to maintain the continuity of the work in a powerful manner Omollo, Motivated employees are a good asset of an organization.
Handon and Werbler and Harris stated that best practices for promoting employee relations and having motivated employees are: leadership, growth and development, meaningful work, reward, financial benefits, good working condition, personal loyalty to employees, empowerment, creativity and innovation. Researches 'show that there is a positive relationship between motivation and performance Deci and Gangne, In a similar way, phd thesis on employee motivation, Nabi and et al revealed that motivation indeed has a monotonous effect on employee performance, when the employees will get some extra drive and exertion it is bound to improve standard performance.
Furthermore, a study was done by Shahzadi et al to find the effect of employee motivation on employee performance in which it was depicted that if employees are more motivated then their performance will increase, phd thesis on employee motivation.
Sometimes conflict can also arise on the style of interaction with colleague or ethics and principles can also be the reason for conflict among workers. It has been evidenced that the most separations are because of conflict over communication style and personalities and moreover these separations takes place in case of conflicts are managed effectively Chaudhry and et al, phd thesis on employee motivation.
com Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal conflict management strategies and employees performance.
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The role of motivation in fostering public service motivation message to overcome the issue of employment. Leadership motivation in an organization planning structure. The impact of reward and recognition programs on employee’s performance based on their annual progress reports. Motivation techniques for different organization management Job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is one of the most researched variables in the area of workplace psychology, and has been associated with numerous psychosocial issues ranging from leadership to job blogger.com article seeks to outline the key definitions relating to job satisfaction, the main theories associated with explaining job satisfaction, as well as the types of and issues Please contact this domain's administrator as their DNS Made Easy services have expired
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