Using field-tested strategies she assists the student through the entire thesis-writing process, offering advice on choosing a topic and an advisor, on disciplining one's self to work at least fifteen minutes each day; setting short-term deadlines, on revising and defing the thesis, and on /5() Aug 15, · Using field-tested strategies she assists the student through the entire thesis-writing process, offering advice on choosing a topic and an advisor, on disciplining one's self to work at least fifteen minutes each day; setting short-term deadlines, on revising and defing the thesis, and on life and publication after the dissertation. Bolker makes writing the dissertation an enjoyable challenge As this writing your dissertation in fifteen minutes a day a guide to starting revising and finishing your doctoral thesis, it ends going on creature one of the favored book writing your dissertation in fifteen minutes a day a guide to starting revising and finishing your doctoral thesis collections that we have
Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day: A Guide | My Dissertation Editor
Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day by Joan Bolker. Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day by Joan Bolker.
Expert writing advice from the editor of the Boston Globe best-seller, The Writer's Home Companion Dissertation writers need strong, practical advice, as well as someone to assure them that their struggles aren't unique.
Joan Bolker, midwife to more than one hundred dissertations and co-founder of the Harvard Writing Center, offers invaluable suggestions for the graduate-st Expert writing advice from the editor of the Boston Globe best-seller, The Writer's Home Companion Dissertation writers need strong, practical advice, as well as someone to assure them that how to write your dissertation in fifteen minutes a day struggles aren't unique.
Joan Bolker, midwife to more than one hundred dissertations and co-founder of the Harvard Writing Center, offers invaluable suggestions for the graduate-student writer. Using positive reinforcement, how to write your dissertation in fifteen minutes a day, she begins by reminding thesis writers that being able to devote themselves to a project that truly interests them can be a pleasurable how to write your dissertation in fifteen minutes a day. She encourages them to pay close attention to their writing method in order to discover their individual work strategies that promote productivity; to stop feeling fearful that they may disappoint their advisors or how to write your dissertation in fifteen minutes a day members; and to tailor their theses to their own writing style and personality needs.
Using field-tested strategies she assists the student through the entire thesis-writing process, offering advice on choosing a topic and an advisor, on disciplining one's self to work at least fifteen minutes each day; setting short-term deadlines, on revising and defing the thesis, and on life and publication after the dissertation. Bolker makes writing the dissertation an enjoyable challenge.
Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published August 15th by Holt Paperbacks first published More Details Original Title. Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day: A Guide to Starting, Revising, and Finishing Your Doctoral Thesis.
Other Editions 3. All Editions Add a New Edition Combine. Friend Reviews, how to write your dissertation in fifteen minutes a day. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Dayplease sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day.
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Jul 15, AK rated it really liked it Shelves: readself-improvement. I am not at the dissertation stage yet, but it approaches, and I've found the writing process to be increasingly terrifying as I progress through graduate school. This book was very helpful in ameliorating that, especially in suggestion various types of writing practices suited to different types of people. A quick read, but worth the hour or so it will cost you, especially if and yes, the appendix on computers is out-of-date, but she also writes "If you should happen to be prone to wasting time, the computer is your field of dreams," which really even more applicable now than it was in flag 9 likes · Like · see review.
Jan 30, Nard rated it how to write your dissertation in fifteen minutes a day was amazing. haaalp It worked. I'm duuun lol. I'm duuun flag 8 likes · Like · see review. Dec 22, Kessia Reyne rated it liked it. A short read pages that gives some sound advice on the writing process. Bolker acts almost like a writing psychologist, providing helpful, proven tips for getting over that most insidious of dissertation ailments: writer's block.
It's a little aged there is, for instance, an appendix discussing the pros and cons of using computersbut some of the principles are timeless. One tip I've personally found to be helpful is what she calls "parking on the downhill slope": "sketching out in writ A short read pages that gives some sound advice on the writing process.
One tip I've personally found to be helpful is what she calls "parking on the downhill slope": "sketching out in writing what your next step is likely to be, what ideas you want to develop, or follow, or explore when you pick up the writing again the next day. Bolker also emphasis behavioral psychology principles, which applied in this context basically boil down to: practice freewriting, give yourself room for a "zero draft," write every day, and "write first.
flag 6 likes · Like · see review. Jul 11, Esme rated it really liked it Shelves: writing. Despite the annoying title and some dated advice including whether or not to write on a computerthis book offers some useful guidance on the psychology of writing. These tips include setting realizable goals that are rewarded, writing as the process of thinking about a project, writing first, dealing with outside distractions, and my favorite "pay close attention to who you are, not who you might like to be" On the other hand, this book ignores the research process and contributes to t Despite the annoying title and some dated advice including whether or not to write on a computerthis book offers some useful guidance on the psychology of writing.
On the other hand, this book ignores the research process and contributes to the fallacy that writing and research can be though of separate but interrelated processes. While that might not be a problem for humanities based dissertations, my experience suggests that it can be quite detrimental in social science. flag 3 likes · Like · see review.
Sep 01, Megan rated it really liked it · review of another edition Shelves: nonfiction. I recommend this book for individuals interested in a realistic approach to beginning the daunting process of dissertation writing. Obviously, as the author points out, there's no way to literally write only 15 minutes a day and still finish in a reasonable time. That said, this book centers upon building a writing habit that is supposed to keep you from drowning when you feel stuck.
Bolker's approach is humorous and realistic, with a lot of tips that can be put to good use. There are instances w I recommend this book for individuals interested in a realistic approach to beginning the daunting process of dissertation writing.
There are instances where, in an effort to make the book useful for all disciplines, it becomes pretty much useless. Overall though, I appreciated her attempt to give varying examples across disciplines and acknowledge differing experiences. Some of this was a bit "too little too late" for me at this stage in the game - picking an advisor, for example, which many students do prior to entering a program.
Even so, it was easy to read these sections and get little tidbits of helpful information from them. The worst of it was the dated references to technology, bordering on useless though some advice should be taken to heart - save backups!!!
So this book is not a miracle worker. It doesn't write your dissertation for you. It doesn't even promise what the title suggests it might. But it is honest, sometimes funny, and often inspiring - which is pretty good for a book on writing nonfiction.
flag 2 likes · Like · see review. Apr 22, Rebecca rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: anyone who finds it difficult to be disciplined about writing. Shelves: nonfictionwritingacademic. Excellent book!! I read through the entire book in one sitting, though I will surely re-read most of it many times over the next year. This book is a one-size-fits-all guide to disciplined writing, but only in the sense that it acknowledges that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all guide to writing.
Instead it prescribes some techniques for writing, staying on task, and making progress, how to write your dissertation in fifteen minutes a day, but also encourages the reader to be a "researcher" of her own working style in order to develop her Excellent book!! Instead it prescribes some techniques for writing, staying on task, and making progress, but also encourages the reader to be a "researcher" of her own working style in order to develop her own prescriptions for writing.
I can't wait to try it! View 2 comments. Apr 17, Rachel M. rated it it was amazing Shelves: on-writing. The basic rule is: Write every day, for at least minutes to startand during that time, never stop writing, even for a moment. I have high hopes that this writing technique and the rest of her advice will help move me forward; I've been stuck for too long in the same spot in my research. Jan 13, Charmy added it. This gave me the psychological enforcement I think I needed to push forward with the process.
The book does leave me with structural questions which i set out to answer. But the guidence was more than beneficial because as the author summarizes it just requires us to put in the work.
The physical work, mental work and social work, how to write your dissertation in fifteen minutes a day.
, time: 15:10Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day

"Fifteen minutes!" you say. "That's too good to be true!" Okay, author Joan Bolker admits she gave her book the title Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day to get the reader's attention. And she admits that it's unlikely you'll actually finish a dissertation at that blogger.com by: Using field-tested strategies she assists the student through the entire thesis-writing process, offering advice on choosing a topic and an advisor, on disciplining one's self to work at least fifteen minutes each day; setting short-term deadlines, on revising and defing the thesis, and on /5() As this writing your dissertation in fifteen minutes a day a guide to starting revising and finishing your doctoral thesis, it ends going on creature one of the favored book writing your dissertation in fifteen minutes a day a guide to starting revising and finishing your doctoral thesis collections that we have
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