Comprehensive areas: British loss of rhotacization; Music therapy EDUCATION Ph.D. Speech and Hearing Sciences, anticipated City University of New York, New York, NY Dissertation: Tests of Phonemic Differentiation in British vs. American English ANITA R. GRANT, UNIVERSITY SERVICE Curriculum Committee Chair () The Thesis Committee for Kristel R. Wilson certifies. that this is the approved Version of the following thesis: ., Chairperson. Date approved: _____ Abstract. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the outcomes of group speech therapy for individuals with Parkinson Disease (IWPD) in general and to compare outcomes of group treatment At we have a Speech Therapy Statistics team of MA and PhD qualified experts working tirelessly to provide Speech Therapy Statistics high quality customized writing solutions to all your assignments including essays, term papers, research papers, dissertations, coursework and projects/10()
Speech-Language-Hearing Dissertations and Theses
Ancillary Data for Refining Computer Adaptive Algorithms for the Assessment of AnomiaEmily Kathryn Tudorache. Implicit Learning of Children With and Without Developmental Language Disorder Across Auditory and Visual CategoriesWanchi Yu. Training and Application of Correct Information Unit Analysis to Structured and Unstructured DiscourseAudrey Bretthauer Cohen.
Current Assessment and Treatment Practices for Children with Autism and Suspected Childhood Apraxia of Speech: A Survey of Speech-Language PathologistsElsa Jayne Dawson. Investigation of Speech Samples from Typically Developing Preschool Age Children: A Comparison of Single Words and Imitated Sentences Elicited with the PABA-EMatthew William Olsen, dissertation speech therapy.
Bilingual Spanish-English Speaking 4-Year-Old-Children: English Normative Data and Correlations with Parent ReportsBrooke Leann Powers. A Comparison of Single Word Identification, Connected Speech Samples, and Imitated Sentence Tasks for Assessment of Children with a SSDEmily Katherine Snyder. High Frequency Pure Tone Audiometry and High Frequency Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions: A Correlational AnalysisKimberly J.
International Students' Experiences in Higher Education: A Case Study Examining Uncertainty Reduction Theory in Communication ClassroomsSusan Kuhn. The Effectiveness of Hypermedia Training vs, dissertation speech therapy.
Traditional Classroom Instruction in StutteringMicheal Dean Baran. Examination of Benefits of Binaural Auditory Stimulation for Children with a Cochlear Implant and a Hearing Aid in the Contralateral EarEvonne Nicol Altesleben. The Effectiveness of Planned Transitions Therapy in the Dissertation speech therapy of Three Children with Developmental Verbal DyspraxiaEmily M. Gross Estimation: A Study of the Clinical Validity for Measuring IntelligibilityHeather Dissertation speech therapy Clarke.
First Language and Gesture Acquisition in Children with Cerebral PalsyAnn Christine Friel. The Language of Transformation in a "Conversation for Possibility": A Metaphor AnalysisDeborah Jean Gabbert.
An Ethnography of Classroom Interaction in Hoshuko: A Case Study of the Japanese Supplementary School ClassroomNobuko Higashi. A Study of the Level of Knowledge of Adult Foster Care Home Providers in Multnomah County in the State of Oregon About Hearing Loss, Hearing Aids and Communication StrategiesMarsha Peters Johnson. Temporal Characteristics of Fluent Speech in the Stuttered Utterances of ChildrenDixon Ira Kirsch.
Oregon Survey of Initial Nursing Care for Infants with Cleft Lip ± PalateKirsten Joy Lindaas. A Comparison of Parent Interview and Direct Assessment of Receptive Language in Preschool-aged Children with Cerebral PalsySusan Kathleen Livick.
A Lay Theory of Relational Satisfaction with Best Friends in JapanEriko Maeda. Effects of Orofacial Clefts on Early Career MaturityJeannieKay McCall. Rethinking Appropriateness: A look at Hegemonic Ideals as Related to Perceived Communication Competence In WomenKristi L. Comparison of Intelligibility Estimation and Orthographic Transcription Methods by Preprofessional Speech-Language PathologistsKristi M.
Effects of Lifestyle Change dissertation speech therapy Satisfaction with Voice on Psychosocial Adjustment of LaryngectomeesSusan M. The Generalization of Stridency from Treated to Untreated Dissertation speech therapy PhonemesKathleen Ann Ozanich.
Receptive Language and Cognitive Skills in Preschool-Aged Children with Cerebral PalsySusan Elizabeth Panton. Real Ear to Coupler Differences in Children and The Effects of Hearing and Microphone Dissertation speech therapyCindy Richardson. A Comparison of Speech Onset Latencies Between Persons Who Stutter and Persons Who Do Not Stutter Across Varied Phonological Priming ConditionsBrian Joseff Riffel. Voice Measures and Listener Acceptance of Tracheoesophageal SpeechHeidii Ilona Roberts.
A Comparison of Listener and Speaker Perception of Stuttering EventsAnne Jocelyn Schagen. Ethnography of Communication as on Organizational Communication Assessment Tool: A Test of the MethodDissertation speech therapy Inez Trujillo-Dalbey. Children with Early Language Delay: A Group Case Study of Outcomes in Intermediate GradesTracey Abild-Lane. Using a Computer Program about Pediatric Hearing Evaluations to help Educate ParentsJeanne E.
Parental Perceptions of the Efficacy of Clinical Intervention for Speech-Language Disorders at Portland State University's Speech and Language ClinicDeborah Ellen Anderson.
Examining the Relationship between Three Speech Features and Intelligibility Ratings of Dissertation speech therapy English Preschoolers as Dissertation speech therapy by Standard English ListenersBritteny Sue Asher. Intervention History of Children with Slow Expressive Language DevelopmentKathleen Belfiore.
An Analysis of Spondee Recognition Thresholds in Auditory-only and Audio-visual ConditionsBrenene Marie Brady-Herbst. Influence of Articulation and Phonology Intervention on Children's Social and Emotional CharacteristicsTracy Lynn Carlisle. A Comparison of Speech Intelligibility Measures between Unsophisticated Listener Judgements and Orthographic TranscriptionCarla J. Effects of Posttraining Maintenance Sessions on Aphasic Subjects' Verbal LabelingConnie Allene Freed. Speech Understanding in Noise as a Function of Microphone Placement in Hearing AidsErin Marlene Flowers Hand.
A Study of the Narrative Skills of 7-Year Olds with Normal, Impaired, and Late Developing LanguageRita F. An Organizational Profile: Members' Understanding of DiscriminationDebra Cay Hornibrook. Gender Dissertation speech therapy in the Language Development of Late-talking Toddlers at Age 3Nancy Ann Johnson. Temperament Differences in Children with a History of Slow Expressive Language Development and Their Peers with Normal Dissertation speech therapy DevelopmentBeth Ann Jones.
Temperament and Language Development in First Grade ChildrenLoretta Marcia Kellogg. Comparison dissertation speech therapy Two Phonological Treatment Procedures for a Child with Phonological DeviationsKatherine Vaughan Kemper.
Temporal Characteristics of Words Surrounding a Moment of Stuttering in Preschool-age ChildrenGregory Keith Lilly, dissertation speech therapy. A Study of the Correlation between the Articulation Competence Index ACI and the Percentage of Words Understood in the Continuous Speech of 4- and 5-year-olds of Varying Phonological CompetenceSusan Coll Mitchell.
Phonological Awareness Skills in Children with Highly Dissertation speech therapy SpeechSheryl Mohwinkel. Parental Perceptions of Articulation Intervention Services Received at Portland State UniversityJanet Ann Murphy. Reading Abilities and Phonological Skills of Second Grade Children with Three Different Language Histories: Normal, Delayed, and Dissertation speech therapy DelayedCandace Jane Murray.
Speech Recognition with Linear and Non-linear Amplification in the Presence of Industrial NoiseMarcia Ann Olson. Gender Differences in Adaptive Behavior between Two-year-old Boys and Girls with Slow Expressive Language DevelopmentChristine Lee Rusnak.
Relationship of Marital Types and Conflict StylesLynn Marie Stanek. Understanding Pre-service Teachers' Conceptualizations of DiversityTerrine Louise Borwn Vogt. The Effectiveness of a Self-directed Inservice Program to Educate Teachers about the Classroom Needs of Students with Hearing ImpairmentTeresa Michelle Whiteley, dissertation speech therapy. Adolescents and Sex on the Soaps: A Content AnalysisJenelle Gay Winter. Effects of Oral and Silent Reading on the Reading Comprehension Performance of Left Hemisphere-damaged IndividualsPaul K.
Validity and Efficiency of the Check-Slash Transcription Method for Measuring IntelligibilityVicky Jo Bacon. Methods of Language Assessment: A Survey of Oregon Public School Speech-language PathologistsStaci Lee Johnson Ball.
The Effectiveness of the Phonological Cycling Approach in Treating an Unintelligible Child in the First Two Cycles of InterventionAnne Cole.
A Study Comparing Musical Abilities of Stutterers and NonstutterersMegan Creswell. A Correlational Study: The 1-minute Measure of Homonymy and IntelligibilityTamra Leanne Day, dissertation speech therapy. Dialogue and Critical Thinking in Personal ActionAmanda Elizabeth Feller. Effects of Receptive Language Deficits on Persisting Expressive Language DelaysTraci Lee Giacherro. Limiting Noise Exposure Associated with Hearing Aid UseAlison Mary Gilbert. Comparison of Prescribed versus Actual Gain for Children with Profound Hearing ImpairmentsKristin Rashelle Gilmer.
The Effects of Ear Canal Pressure Variation on Distortion Product Otoacoustic EmissionsJodi L, dissertation speech therapy. The Affects of Vocal Fatigue on Fundamental Frequency and Frequency Range in Actresses as Opposed to Non-ActressesRuth Ann Jenkins.
Silence: A Comparison of Japanese and U. InterpretationMimi Murayama. An Exploration of Theoretical Issues Related to Mediation Found in the Social Science Literaturedissertation speech therapy, Cheryl E. Independent Acoustic Stimulation of the Amphibian and Basilar Papillae of Rana pipiensMark Parker.
A Study of the Duration of Words Surrounding a Moment of StutteringJennifer Dawn Peterson, dissertation speech therapy. Clinical Application of Two Phonological-based Treatment ApproachesHolly Kiesz Royer.
Using a Computer Program to Influence the Expectations Senior Adults have Regarding Hearing AidsCarol I. Behavioral Dissertation speech therapy in the Classroom: U. University Teachers and Chinese University TeachersXiaocheih Sun. A Comparative Study of Phonemic Segmentation Skills in First Grade Children with Normal, Disordered, and Slow Expressive Language DevelopmentDavid J.
Perceived Communication During Organizational ChangePaula Blunck. Second Grade Academic Performance in Normal Children, Children with a History of, and Children with Expressive Language DelayKathleen Ann Clancy. Comparison of Training Methods in a Branch EnvironmentLisa Peterson Davidson.
The Use of Faceplate Assemblies as Facsimiles of Custom Hearing InstrumentsJames A, dissertation speech therapy. The Relationship Between Intelligibility and Length and Complexity of Language in a Group of 4- and 5-Year-Old ChildrenSusan Fodell.
The Preferred Learning Styles of Greek EFL Students and Greek EFL TeachersDebra Jane Gregory. Gender Differences in Slow Expressive Language DevelopmentCynthia Lee Hare-Blye. Questions-asking Strategies of Aphasic and Normal Subjectsdissertation speech therapy, Sharla Rae Harvey.
The Role of the Chinese News Media in the Pro-democracy Movementdissertation speech therapy, Mei Liao. The Effects of Phonological Processes on the Speech Intelligibility of Young ChildrenSusanne Shotola-Hardt.
A Comparison of the Cohesion in the Expository Discourse of the Optimally-Healthy Young-Old and the Optimally-Healthy Oldest-OldPenni Gay Siemens. Facilitating Independent Communication for an Adult with Severe, Nonfluent Aphasia Using a Voice Output Communication Aiddissertation speech therapy, Jane Mary Stayer. A Comparison Between Trained Ear Estimation and Orthographic Transcription When Measuring Speech Intelligibility of Young ChildrenNancy Kay Sugarman.
The Concepts of Mother in Children's Stories in Translation from Print to Visual Media: A Content AnalysisKaren Martin Tanski. Familiality of Early Expressive Language Delay: A Sibling StudyCarol Lynn Unkefer. Changing Values: A Study of the Dissertation speech therapy in Cultural Values and Perceptions of U. High School Students Following Orientation and Exposure to Russian CultureLinda Sue Warnock.
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